God's judgment operates in two distinct ways: His interventions in present history and His final Judgment at the end of time. While He sometimes brings immediate judgment upon nations and churches in this life, as seen in the Flood and Sodom and Gomorrah, He also has a formal Judgment moment! At the end of the age. Christians will face the Judgment Seat (Bema) of Christ where their works will be tested by fire and non-Christians similarly face final Judgment in the Lake of Fire of the Book of Revelation. Those who reject God's free offer of righteousness given through the Gospel face an eternal judgment, precisely because they have left themselves "in their sins". Christ's forgiveness through Christ's sacrifice offers complete cleansing from all unrighteousness for those who come by faith to Christ, confessing their sins. The severity of both God's judgment and His forgiveness are both the outworking of His perfect righteousness and justice.
Jesus speaks about hell more than anyone else in Scripture, using the word "Gehenna" to describe a place of eternal, unquenchable fire. This teaching is difficult but crucial to understand. The Bible consistently portrays hell as a place of everlasting punishment for those who reject Christ. However, the same passages that warn of eternal damnation also proclaim the hope of eternal life for those who put their faith in Jesus. Salvation begins the moment we trust in Christ, receiving the Holy Spirit and becoming new creations. The gravity of hell should compel us to respond to God's offer of forgiveness and life through His Son.
Jesus' raising of Lazarus from the dead is more than a miraculous event; it's a powerful demonstration of His identity as the Son of God and the source of eternal life. This account challenges us to examine our faith, especially in difficult circumstances. Do we truly believe that Jesus is the resurrection and the life? His power over death offers hope not just for this life, but for eternity. Even when all seems lost, Christ calls us to trust in Him, for He has conquered death and offers life to all who believe.
We are all in the play of life and we have a very significant line to act out. The play does not go on endlessly. Our most important part to play is when we answer to the Gospel Call. The sermon explores how time is short, not only due to our limited lifespan, but also because of God's prophetic timeline and the passing nature of this world. The preacher highlights Jesus Christ as the centre of the Gospel, focusing on His unique role as both fully God and fully man. The preacher urges listeners to recognise the fleeting opportunity to connect with eternity through Christ, stressing the importance of making this decision while the moment is here.
This sermon emphasises the profound impact of Jesus' resurrection, not only as a historical event but as a transformative reality in the lives of believers. It delves into the Apostle Paul's teaching on knowing the resurrected Jesus intimately and experiencing the empowering resource of His resurrection in our daily lives. The sermon outlines how Jesus' resurrection serves as the foundation for our justification, ushering us into a new life in Him, assured of eternal life. Through Christ's victory over death, and consequent ongoing life, believers are invited into a personal relationship with Him, marked by empowered Christian living and the ultimate fulfilment of eternal fellowship with God. The message invites individuals to embrace the risen Christ, enabling them to live lives characterised by His resurrection's power and the certainty of God's love and salvation.