The sermon explores the concept of the Church as Christ's home and possession. It emphasises that Jesus considers the Church His dwelling place on earth, even as He resides in heaven. The speaker challenges common misconceptions about church ownership, stressing that neither pastors nor congregants own the Church—it belongs solely to Jesus. He highlights the importance of recognising Christ's authority in building and directing His Church, and calls for a deeper, more personal relationship with Jesus within the context of church life. The message encourages listeners to view church attendance not as a mere ritual, but as an opportunity to encounter and fellowship with Christ Himself.
This sermon explores the significance of responding to God's call and forming a personal relationship with Jesus. Through the examples of biblical figures like Samuel and Philip, the message emphasises that true Christianity centres on a direct connection with God through His Word, rather than through church ceremonies or creeds. The sermon invites listeners to acknowledge, recognize and respond to Jesus' call in their own lives, highlighting the transformative power of hearing and accepting the Gospel.

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