The Biblical doctrine of Hell develops from the Old Testament's limited understanding of Sheol to the New Testament's clear teaching of eternal punishment. While many attempt to soften this teaching to cater for modern sensibilities, the strongest warnings about Hell's eternal nature come from Scripture's most loving figures - Jesus, Paul, and John. Their love for humanity compelled them to speak truthfully about Hell's reality rather than offer comfortable compromises. The Holy Spirit continues to awaken people to this reality, not to terrorise them, but to lead them to salvation in Christ.
"I don't know whether you're aware of the fact that Jesus sees you as not necessarily able to take what he really wants to tell you. Are you aware of the fact that the Bible, in all of its teaching, examples what the theologians now call progressive revelation. And progressive revelation is nothing to do with contradicting some earlier truth and saying it was wrong. It's not correcting things. But it is the fact that God always has the problem with humanity that we humanity can't take in all the things he'd want to tell us."