Your true purpose in life flows not from your abilities, achievements, or circumstances, but from what Jesus Christ does through you. Like John the Baptist, who was considered the greatest prophet not for his own works but because he pointed to Christ, every Christian's significance comes through letting the Lord minister through them. When we allow Jesus to work through us, He gives spiritual gifts and opportunities that reveal our genuine calling, whether in hospitality, giving, teaching, or helping others. The key outcome of a God given gift is not what we do, but what Christ does through us.
Your purpose in life cannot be fully understood apart from Jesus Christ, who is the eternal Word and the source of all true understanding. While humanity bears God's image through creation, there is a deeper purpose found in becoming children of God through faith in Christ. This transformation occurs when we receive Christ and allow Him to work through us, revealing our specific gifts and callings. Our ultimate reason for existing (raison d'ĂȘtre) is not merely what we do, but what Christ does through us as we draw closer to Him through the Gospel and His Word.