The Kingdom of God operates as a divine monarchy, not a republic. While God the Father maintains His rule from Heaven, He established His Kingdom on Earth through Christ's birth into the royal line of David. This truth appears even in modern children's stories like The Blood of the King, which mirrors the Christmas narrative of royal lineage. The Church flourishes when it embraces this monarchical structure, recognising Jesus as its sole ruler rather than operating by democratic principles. Through Christmas, God demonstrated that He not only rules from above but comes near to His people.
"In our studies of in the beatitudes, Jesus has been speaking against the backdrop of the ideas of traditions coming from the teaching of the Pharisees, coming from the background of the history of the Jewish religion, and he presents himself as an authority. One of the things we found as we went through the beatitudes is just how much the folk listening were amazed how much authority Jesus had and how different that was from the normal teaching they were used to hearing."
"Can I set you at rest that my aim this morning is not so much to go through the content of all six, but it is rather to see something about Jesus' method of delivery, and about the issue of authority, whether or not there's a place for tradition. And so to talk this morning about whether you're traditional, whether you're a conservative, whether you're someone who's a radical."