The Fullness of Christ

26th January 2025
The Lord Jesus Christ contains within Himself the complete fullness of God's deity in bodily form. When we receive Christ as Saviour, we receive all of God's grace and truth - not merely a portion. Just as God revealed Himself to Moses as full of steadfast love and faithfulness, these same divine attributes are perfectly expressed in Jesus. There is no need to seek additional spiritual experiences beyond Christ, for in Him dwells all the fullness of God. This foundational truth provides assurance of salvation and forms the basis for genuine Christian fellowship across denominational lines.
Your true purpose in life flows not from your abilities, achievements, or circumstances, but from what Jesus Christ does through you. Like John the Baptist, who was considered the greatest prophet not for his own works but because he pointed to Christ, every Christian's significance comes through letting the Lord minister through them. When we allow Jesus to work through us, He gives spiritual gifts and opportunities that reveal our genuine calling, whether in hospitality, giving, teaching, or helping others. The key outcome of a God given gift is not what we do, but what Christ does through us.
Your purpose in life cannot be fully understood apart from Jesus Christ, who is the eternal Word and the source of all true understanding. While humanity bears God's image through creation, there is a deeper purpose found in becoming children of God through faith in Christ. This transformation occurs when we receive Christ and allow Him to work through us, revealing our specific gifts and callings. Our ultimate reason for existing (raison d'être) is not merely what we do, but what Christ does through us as we draw closer to Him through the Gospel and His Word.
Real transformation doesn't come through New Year's resolutions or geographical relocations—it comes through returning to Jesus Christ, Who is the true beginning. The eternal Word became flesh and dwelt among us, bringing God's presence into our midst. When we face difficulties or seek a fresh start, the answer isn't found in changing circumstances alone but in drawing near to Christ, Who is full of grace and truth, and allowing His Holy Spirit to work within us.

Understanding the Trinity

15th December 2024
The doctrine of the Trinity - One God in three Persons - is not merely an abstract theological concept but also shapes how we experience the Christian life. While we often begin our faith journey speaking generally about "God," we come to know Him more fully through the distinct yet unified work of Father, Son and Holy Spirit. The Father receives our prayers, the Son makes these prayers possible through His sacrifice, and the Holy Spirit applies God's power and presence in our daily walk. Though challenging to fully grasp, this three-in-one nature of God is central to authentic Christian faith and practice.
The Christian life produces three enduring qualities: faith, love, and hope. Faith serves as our gateway to salvation through God's grace, not through our own works. God's Love, demonstrated supremely in Christ's sacrifice, transforms us, and enables us to love others. Hope extends beyond mere wishful thinking—it represents the certainty of Christ's return and the completion of our salvation. These three qualities work together as the foundation of authentic Christian living, with the Holy Spirit both the empowerment as well as serving as our guarantee of the outcome to come.

Sons Through the Son

10th November 2024
The eternal Son of God emptied Himself of His heavenly glory to take on Divine identity and reputation. This is called His "kenosis" – His self-emptying of His status and reputation! On taking on humanity He established a model of how a human being can relate to the Father establishing a new model for people to know God as Father. Through Christ's perfect obedience and sacrificial death, He dealt with the human failure of original sin. He opened the door for believers to share in His own relationship with the Father. When we receive Jesus as Saviour, we receive both the forgiveness of sins and the gift of the Holy Spirit, who teaches our hearts to cry "Father" and enables us to pray with the confidence of beloved children. This intimate relationship with God as Father represents the heart of New Covenant Christian experience and surpasses what was possible under the Old Covenant. Summing up: by His need to cry "My God, my God, Why have you forsaken me?" which is a cry of a human under Divine punishment for our sins, He has enabled us to share His privilege of calling the Father as "Our Father".

The Awakening of the Soul

15th September 2024
Christian conversion is more than a change of religion or joining a church; it is a spiritual awakening brought about by the Holy Spirit. This awakening involves a conviction of sin, a turning to Christ as Saviour, and receiving the gift of the Holy Spirit. The process of conversion is often contested by Satan, but Christ intercedes on our behalf. True conversion results in a transformed life, described in Scripture as being 'snatched from the burning'. The need for genuine conversion applies not only to individuals but also to entire communities and nations.
Jesus' raising of Lazarus from the dead is more than a miraculous event; it's a powerful demonstration of His identity as the Son of God and the source of eternal life. This account challenges us to examine our faith, especially in difficult circumstances. Do we truly believe that Jesus is the resurrection and the life? His power over death offers hope not just for this life, but for eternity. Even when all seems lost, Christ calls us to trust in Him, for He has conquered death and offers life to all who believe.
The Kingdom of Heaven, as prophesied in the Old Testament, was inaugurated after John the Baptist's death. This Kingdom is not a physical place, but God's rulership on Earth through Christ. Salvation comes not through good works, but solely through faith in Jesus' perfect life and sacrificial death. When we trust in Christ, we receive forgiveness of sins and the gift of the Holy Spirit, uniting us with Jesus. This union with Christ is the essence of the New Covenant, offering a closeness to God at a new level than that available in the Old Covenant.

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